Jatyadi Oil (Jatyadi Tel) is an herbal oil used for wound healing in piles, fissure and fistula. It speeds up wound healing processes and results in quick recovery from these diseases. It also reduces itching, irritation and burning in the lesion. Jatyadi oil benefits in open wounds, cuts, burns, abscess, eczema, blisters and non-healing wounds. Its also used in piles, fissure & fistula.
In skin care, Karanja Oil is used to treat eczema, psoriasis, skin ulcers, dandruff and to promote wound healing. Karanja Oil is also used for its insecticidal and antiseptic properties.
Mahanarayan Oil (also called Mahanarayana Thailam) is ayurvedic medicated oil prepared using sesame oil as a base and processed in several medicinal herbs that improves strength of the muscles, bones and joints. It has soothing effect and reduces joint inflammation. It is effective remedy for all types of arthritic disorders especially for osteoarthritis. Its internal use gives instant relief from the knee pain. Its external use reduces joint inflammation and muscle fatigue.
Neem oil is very effective ayurvedic remedy for a variety of skin diseases, hair loss, dandruff, acne or pimples, eczema, psoriasis and several other diseases. Neem oil reduces itching, removes dead cell debris and works as an antiseptic as well as disinfectant.
Sahacharadi thailam is an oil that is used for managing imbalances in muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, reduces swelling and promotes more flexibility. Kati Basti (lower back therapy ) with Sahacharadi oil could be greatly beneficial for lower back issues. This oil is used in many Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments.
Ayurved recommends the use of sesame or teel oil in problems of Vata Dosha. Application of teel oil externally to the skin, it becomes healthy and starts glowing. A massage with teel oil helps to burn the fat of those suffering from obesity. It is very easy for fat to start depositing immediately after delivery, but new mothers cannot take medicines as they are lactating. In such a scenario, regular massage with sesame oil can prevent the formation of additional fat deposits. External application of teel tail makes the skin healthy and glowing.